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 福星惠譽蟬聯2017年中國房地產百強 [查看更多]






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Fuxinghuiyu Holdings Co., Ltd

Fuxinghuiyu Holdings Co., Ltd. was founded in 2001, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chinese A-share listed company, Hubei Fuxing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 000926). The company's core business covers residential development, commercial and property operating management, industry and city integration, ecological agriculture, cultural tourism industry, and prefabricated building, etc.
Since establishment, adhering to the management idea of " Morals and Action " and the development purpose of "share the government's cares and burdens, bring benefit to people", Fuxinghuiyu has complied with the trend of industry development, actively promoted the update and progress of the city, provided the omni-directional high-quality services to satisfy people's pursuit of happy life, and gradually grown into China's first-class "service provider for urban renewal and happy life". In recent years, the company has embarked on the strategic transformation with the core of "strengthening core advantages, focusing on key regions, deepening national layout, improving industrial ecology, and building a large capital platform", marking the company's development proceed to a new stage.
In the field of urban renewal, the company has always focused on the most dynamic core economic circle of China's economy and key urban agglomerations in the central and western regions, and comprehensively provided scientific and systematic solutions for urban renewal in China in the fields of planning and design, land consolidation, infrastructure, commercial facilities, property services, and integration of industries and cities, etc. Over 100 billion Yuan has been invested in urban renewal and renovation, and over 20 million square meters of renewal and renovation have been completed. A number of iconic brand projects have been launched, including Fuxinghuiyu international city, Fuxinghuiyu strarryshore, and Fuxinghuiyu donghu city. Since 2005, the company has been listed as one of China's Top 100 real estate enterprises, ranking the top of the comprehensive strength among Wuhan real estate enterprises. It has been honored as ‘Top 10 Leading Brands of China Comprehensive Real Estate Companies-Urban Renewal’ and ‘Top 10 Leading Brands of China Comprehensive Real Estate Companies-Urban Renovation’. In the field of commercial development and integration of industries and cities, Fuxinghuiyu has made full use of its advantages and the courage to innovate, and created a number of benchmark projects such as Star city, Fairyland, and Optics Valley headquarters international, realizing innovative growth. At present, the company has completed the national layout structure in regions including "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan circle", "Yangtze river delta economic circle", "pearl river delta economic circle", "Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle", and "central plains city cluster", and successfully expanded overseas markets such as the United States and Australia. As a brand enterprise, Fuxinghuiyu has been actively undertaking social responsibility, and committing to rural revitalization, green environmental protection, education, poverty alleviation, disaster relief, and other public welfare activities. The company has donated more than 300 million Yuan for the society, and has successively won a number of public awards including "love charity award of Hubei province", "China charity outstanding contribution unit (enterprise) award", etc. Looking forward to the future, the company will continue to focus on business goals, take innovation development as the leading, take quality brand as the fundamental, take efficiency as the main line, take team building as the guarantee, continue to create high-quality growth, and realize the prosperity of the company. The company aims to become a leading "service provider of urban renewal and happy life" in China during the new five-year plan period.


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